Friday, April 22, 2011


I woke up sick this morning. :( I suppose being back in the school will do that to you. I purchased new Asics yesterday for my birthday and am hoping that they help with my knee pain. I was pretty anxious to get out there and try them out so it worked to motivate me even though I'm feeling pretty terrible.

I skipped on the Ullrey podcast again and used a playlist that ended up working much better than the one I made for the 20 minute run last week. I also switched my route and ran on some major roads (with traffic and everything!) which really helped too. My old route had a lot of short little roads which felt really daunting after running them so many times. The major blocks I ran today are straight and long so I found I wasn't paying much attention to where I was or how much further there was to go.

I also mapped out a 5k run around my neighbourhood that I can start working up towards as the next few weeks progress.

I am now finished Week 6 and on to Week 7! Woot! I never thought I'd get this far!

3.91 km
8:57 min/km