Saturday, April 30, 2011

W7D1 Part 2

It was beautiful out today. I was nervous about this run and just couldn't seem to get into the right frame of mind. I reached the 2km mark at the intersection and started to walk! I walked until I hit the next road and ran the rest of the way.
I am just getting over a cold and it's been almost a week since I've ran but I'm not sure if either of those things had anything to do with it! I think it may all be mental.
I'm going to switch my route and use a podcast instead of a playlist and hopefully next time will be better. I'm just trying to look at this like at least I was out and ran/walked today! That's better than nothing. :)

3.35 km
10:26 min/km

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


My first bad run. I'm still sick and worse yet, DS has been sick all week and not sleeping through the night. I've been trying to get out to do this run for a few days but it's been raining. Tonight was the last night I could run to stay on top of my program so out I went....

I was doing okay until I hit the 2km mark and the sky opened up and started pouring on me complete with thunder and lightning. I'm not sure how it happened exactly but all of a sudden I was walking instead of running. From that point on I ran and walked the rest of the way. I tried to make my runs little sprints to at least work on my speed (or something) but I'm not sure I did any good.

Depending on tonight's sleep I might try to go out tomorrow morning and try this run again.

Crappy run that shouldn't really count.
3.23 km
9:17 min/km

Friday, April 22, 2011


I woke up sick this morning. :( I suppose being back in the school will do that to you. I purchased new Asics yesterday for my birthday and am hoping that they help with my knee pain. I was pretty anxious to get out there and try them out so it worked to motivate me even though I'm feeling pretty terrible.

I skipped on the Ullrey podcast again and used a playlist that ended up working much better than the one I made for the 20 minute run last week. I also switched my route and ran on some major roads (with traffic and everything!) which really helped too. My old route had a lot of short little roads which felt really daunting after running them so many times. The major blocks I ran today are straight and long so I found I wasn't paying much attention to where I was or how much further there was to go.

I also mapped out a 5k run around my neighbourhood that I can start working up towards as the next few weeks progress.

I am now finished Week 6 and on to Week 7! Woot! I never thought I'd get this far!

3.91 km
8:57 min/km

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


It's my birthday! I feel pretty awesome for going out first thing on my birthday and in the rain to run. I am really proud that I haven't missed a day or haven't completed any of the intervals. That, in itself, is pretty amazing.

The run today was okay. I have new earbuds from the dollar store that stayed in a little better than the ones I was using. I struggled a bit with the 2 10-minute intervals but I think that was mostly because I couldn't get into the zone of it. Listening to Robert Ullrey address the day 1 podcast was a constant reminder of not only how long I had run but, more importantly, how much longer I needed to run. I found it really psychologically draining. I think my 25 minute run on Friday with a playlist will be easier since I don't have to wait for Mr. Ullrey to come back on and tell me when to stop but just keep on keepin' on until my cool-down tune plays.

My knees have been bothering me. They both ache right now and I think I'm going to speak to my chiropractor to see if there are any types of support or something I can wear. He's an avid runner and I think would have better advice than my doctor.

Today was my last day of intervals. From here on out it's straight up running, no walking. It feels like I'm finally a 'runner'. I'm going to see how next week's 25 minute runs go as far as pace and then I'll start trying to better my time. I still have 69 days until my first 5k but the more effort I put into this, the better that run will be. I just hope my knees hold up!

3.55 km
10:08 min/km

Monday, April 18, 2011


Went into this run feeling pretty accomplished after my 20 minute run last Friday. 5 minute intervals? No problem.

I started the first 5 minute interval quickly and my pace was probably a bit too fast as the final 5 minute interval was a little tough. It just felt good to be back out and running after two days off. The 8 minute interval was okay. I think I am better able to zone out during the longer ones and the shorter ones are more difficult because I'm so aware of my running the whole time.

Today was another 5 am run. It was dark and cold. We actually had snow yesterday kind of cold. I spotted 3 bunnies!

Next run is comprised of two 10 minute intervals. Should be easy-peasy.

3.65 km
9:45 min/km

Friday, April 15, 2011


I am an amazing machine of awesomeness! I ran for 20 minutes straight!!!!

To be honest, I still can't believe it! I have the biggest smile on my face right now because I did it!!!

I was nervous but excited all day for this. My right knee started bothering me after the last run but I've been babying it so I wouldn't miss it. I made a playlist so I wouldn't have to hear Mr. Ullrey telling me what time it was and just kept going!

The playlist needs some tweaking. It was the first time I've run without Mr. Ullrey and it was a totally different experience. Some tunes were great (like Black Eyed Peas - Pump It) while others didn't work at all. I finished the run up with a quick little tune by the Misfits for that last burst of inspiration and it did the trick nicely.

This was also the first time that I've finished a run huffing and puffing with both my legs and lungs on fire... at least the first that I can remember. Maybe it happened like this in the beginning? I'm not sure. One thing I do know, if I can run for 20 minutes then I can run for 30. My pace was also my best ever - 8:46!! Woot!!!!

This C25k program is amazing. I can't believe I've come this far. As the saying goes... if I can do it...


3.42 km
8:46 min/km

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I ran for 8 minutes straight! Twice!

I've taken sleeping pills for the last two nights and it has made a world of difference. Not only am I well rested and feeling human again but I'm also no longer a commercial for depression hurts.

It rained all day today but thankfully stopped long enough for me to run. I wasn't nervous about the 8 minute runs but am about Friday's 20 minute run. I find that the first few minutes of every run is the toughest. I don't seem to get into a rhythm for the first little while and everything feels 'off' and awkward. My legs feeling like they're moving funny and my pace is random and then all of a sudden everything falls into place like magic and I feel like I could run forever. I'm hoping that once I get into that zone the 20 minutes will go by without any problems.

I have to take a moment to relish the fact that I actually ran for 8 minutes - twice - and didn't want to fall over and die! I remember W1 and the 60 second runs and feeling like I couldn't get enough air... I'm really proud of myself for my progress! I'm also proud of myself for completing 14 runs without ever walking when I'm supposed to be running. I've pushed through everything so far and hopefully I can continue in that same vein.


3.31 km
9.43 min/km

Monday, April 11, 2011


With everything still weighing heavily on my mind, I couldn't sleep last night. I think I finally began to sleep a little after 2am and got up to run at 5am because we're going out after DH is finished work tonight. I contemplated running tomorrow instead but with my work schedule it would have just thrown everything off.

So there I was... another 5am run. Thank goodness this is only the 2nd I've had to do since starting this program. It was warm but windy. I even saw a rabbit! Running in the dark was a little disconcerting and I kept watching for someone in a van to try to steal me.

The run itself was uneventful. Five minute runs are no trouble. My stomach was pretty upset from being so tired but that had nothing to do with the run. After updating this, I'm going to grab a shower and try to get some more sleep before DS wakes up for the day.

3.11 km
10:20 min/km

Saturday, April 9, 2011


So there I was... completing Week 4!

I'm still feeling pretty horrible after this week's news. I haven't been sleeping very much. Last night I woke up at 2:30am and was awake until 5:30 when I finally crashed until 8:30am or so. Then work called and asked me to come in for an unscheduled 4 hour shift. I'm pretty tired and still close to tears more often than not but I'm doing better than I was.

So sleepy and unmotivated, I changed out of my work clothes and into my running gear. The weather today is the nicest it's been lately and there weren't too many people out and about.

The first 3 minute run was difficult! In my head I was complaining about my feet hurting and generally not being happy about running. I recovered during the 90 second walk break and set out on the 5 minute run. For some reason the 5 minute run was easy! I had somehow gotten myself into a totally different headspace and that's where I stayed for the remainder of the run. I even found that I was pushing myself to run further and faster during the intervals and it felt good!

Like all C25K'ers I'm nervous about W5D3 which happens in T-6 days but I'm going to try to keep focus on the task at hand. I'm starting to feel confident and strong again in small doses. Hopefully that comes back in full soon.


3.31 km
9:43 min/km

Friday, April 8, 2011


I'm finding that I often wake up on rest days and wish it was a run day.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Today was a bad day. The interview I had did not go as well as I thought and I received the news this morning. I am just devastated. I've been working towards this goal for over a year now and to have it not turn out feels like failure. I now have to wait an entire year to reapply.

I've been feeling so good. I've been feeling really strong and capable. Today all of that was dashed and I feel horrible.

So, even though I feel like hiding under the covers and never coming back out I went out and did my run. It was difficult. The whole time I was out there I kept thinking about all of the things that I could've done wrong that made me miss this opportunity and what a failure I am. It is pretty much impossible to run with these things going through your head. I kept trying to focus on all of the great things that I've done and how strong I am to make it to W4D2 of this program but that little voice kept creeping in there.

I also didn't really eat today. I had a small breakfast early on and a latte around noon but that was it. I don't think that was nearly enough to support my run.

My breathing was laboured and while my legs weren't quite as heavy as W4D1, it felt difficult to keep moving forward. I was close to tears when I set out and close to tears still. I was hoping some of those endorphins would improve my mood but it doesn't seem to be the case.

It was important for me to run today. It was important for me to finish the run today. I needed to be successful at something today and I was.

Things will be okay. I will find my way through this and will reach my goal eventually. It's just going to take much longer than I would like.

3.25 km
9:54 min/km

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I was rather nervous about today. This week's runs are intervals of 3 minute then 5 minute runs. It didn't help that it's currently 4 degrees and snowing. :o

I completed it! I made sure to keep my pace pretty slow and didn't go crazy with any of the intervals. My legs started feeling heavy during the second 3 minute run and were like lead during the final 5 minute run. I was surprised though at how well I was able to breathe during the whole thing. I wasn't gasping or heaving or totally out of breath. When it came time for the short recovery walks I found that it only took me a few seconds to get back to normal. What an improvement that is!

In addition, I tried on some dresses that I haven't worn in 4 years and they fit again! I'm going to have some pretty things to wear during all of the events in May!

3.25 km
9:54 min/km

Saturday, April 2, 2011


The end of Week 3!

I had my interview this morning and I'm pretty sure I did well but won't find out for 2 weeks or so. Needless to say, I had tons of *stuff* to shake off and getting out there and running felt great.

I ran faster and further than I have before. I experienced a slight pain in my right knee but hopefully it'll clear up by W4D1.

9:29 min/km