Tuesday, May 24, 2011

W5D1 Part 3

When I set out today I wasn't sure whether I'd be running D1 or D2... when Mr. Ullrey came on at the end of 5 minutes I decided it would be D1 again. I think it was a wise decision as the 2nd and 3rd 5 minute intervals were a challenge.

It also appears that my SDM just continued from my last run, which isn't helpful at all. It said I ran 4.09 km so I can only assume that's what happened. That must've effected my pace too but I've included the pace that it gave me. I'll have to figure out how to change that.

I'm getting nervous about the 5k. I don't think I'll be finished the C25k program in time... Maybe I'll just have to start planning to do run/walk intervals?

3.32 km
9:20 km/hr

2.05 km
10:25 km/hr